
These are period related errors. For each one, causes, and posible solutions and workarounds should be provided:

The Number of Periods field must show the actual number of periods
Start date is not in the selected GL period. Enter another date
End date is not in the selected GL period. Please select another date
You cannot update the status of a permanently closed period
You cannot update permanently closed periods
Warning: unposted GL distributions exist for this period
Cannot re-open this period since all transactions have been posted
You cannot change the period status because it has unposted items
Warning: GL distributions exist for this period
Enter a date that is not in a closed period
Enter a date that is not in a closed period
INTEREST_PERIOD_DAYS is mandatory when INTEREST_CHARGES is Yes. Please enter a valid value for the INTEREST_PERIOD_DAYS field.

INTEREST_PERIOD_DAYS must be greater than zero.
The GL date : &GL_DATE is not in an open or future enterable period
No valid open or future enterable GL periods exist for the set of books id &SET_OF_BOOKS_ID
No period information available. Exiting program.
The low Period must be less than or equal to the high Period.
You cannot update the distribution because it is posted and could not be reversed. To allow reversal of a posted distribution, ensure that either today's date, the transaction date, or the transaction GL date fall in an Open or Future Enterable period.
Reversal GL date must belong to an open or future GL period.
GL date, &GL_DATE, is not in an open or future-enterable period.
ERROR GL date is not in an open or future period
Cannot run Revenue Recognition for &DATE_LOW to &DATE_HIGH in closed GL periods.
You must define a period for this GL date
Please define all periods in which revenue is to be recognized or credited.
Note that revenue cannot be recognized or credited in closed and close pending periods.
Unable to adjust the GL date to an open or future enterable period because there is more than one subsequent period open.
Unable to adjust your gl date which is in a closed period to a non-closed period
Unable to derive a gl date for your transaction. Please ensure that your transaction is in a gl period which you have defined
Ensure that supplied rule start date will generate GL Dates that are in Open or Future periods when the GL Date in a Closed Period option is set to Reject in the Transaction Sources window.
If period is 'Specific Date' then all dates must be entered.
This will exceed the limit on future periods.
No next period available to open.
You must run the Revenue Recognition program before you can close this period.
You must post all transactions in this period before you close it.
For lines without rules or the lines using the Bill in Advance rule, the GL Date must be in an open or a future-enterable period. (GL_DATE: &GL_DATE )
For Bill in Arrears transactions, the GL Date &GL_DATE cannot be in an closed period.
For Bill in Advance transactions, the supplied rule start date &RULE_START_DATE must be in a open or future-enterable period.
For Bill in Arrears transactions, the rule start date &RULE_START_DATE must result in the last GL Date &LAST_GL_DATE in an open, future-enterable or never opened period.
Please check your set of books and period set up.
Last Period To Credit may not be more than &INV_DURATION.
Unable to derive a GL date in an open/closed period.
Invalid date. Enter a GL date in an open or future enterable period.
The supplied gl date is in a closed period
The start and end dates of the period &PERIOD cannot be retrieved.
The first MRC date for the reporting set of books &RSOB_NAME cannot be retrieved. The first MRC period has not been defined in the Assign Reporting Sets of Books window.
The first MRC period is neither the first future -enterable nor the first never opened period in GL for the primary set of books &PSOB_NAME.
The first MRC period for the reporting set of books &RSOB_NAME has not been defined in the Assign Reporting Sets of Books window.
There are no GL periods opened in the primary set of books &PSOB_NAME.
The initial period for the primary set of books &PSOB_NAME is either an adjustment period or not defined in GL.
This phase I process failed for the reporting set of books &RSOB_NAME associated with the primary set of books &PSOB_NAME. Transaction records from &FROM_PERIOD to &TO_PERIOD have not been upgraded yet.
This phase I process has successfully upgraded all transaction records for the reporting set of books &RSOB_NAME associated with the primary set of books &PSOB_NAME from &FROM_PERIOD to &TO_PERIOD.
The period &PERIOD has not been defined in GL.
All transactions on or after the start period &PERIOD you provided have already been upgraded by a prior run.
The start period &PERIOD you provided is invalid.
&STATUS GL date cannot be before the first period in your calendar
To-Period should be later than the From-Period.
Range should not exceed 13 periods.
You cannot change the period status from &FROM_STATUS to &TO_STATUS.

GL date, &GL_DATE, is not in an open or future-enterable period.
GL date has been changed to &NEW_GL_DATE
You must post all Bills Receivable transactions in this period before you close it.
The transaction date must fall during an open period or prior to a future period
You cannot create a relationship for a time period that overlaps the time period of an existing relationship with the same subject id, relationship code, and object id.
Period is not open. Open period or enter date for opened period.
To charge interest the number of days in the interest period must be greater than zero. Please enter the number of days in the interest period.
For the period between &START_DATE_ACTIVE and &END_DATE_ACTIVE, these class codes are already
defined as parent and child. Parent class code: &CLASS_CODE. Child class code: &SUB_CLASS_CODE. Use a
different combination of class codes and date range.
You cannot create a classification for a time period that overlaps the time period of an existing classification with the same owner table name, owner table ID, class category, class code.
A financial report already exists for this party with the same report type and document reference, and for the same time period.
For Bill in Arrears transactions, the GL Date must be in an open period.
For lines without rules or lines using the Bill in Advance rule, the GL Date must be in an open or future-enterable period.

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